Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Taming of the Shrew Opens Next Week

There's much activity afoot this week. Lighting instruments are hung daily, costumes and props completed, scene painting aplenty on an incredible set, and daily rehearsals. Our company of 43 technicians and actors have logged in many hours of time on the production (our rehearsal schedule is close to 90 hours--though not everyone is called for each rehearsal).

Already, we are adding sound cues to our process, which adds a real spice to our work. Michael Seward has assembled a total design of 50 cuts, including pre-show and intermission sounds.

On Sunday we have our first dress rehearsal--an exciting visual and sensual feast of lighting, sound and costumes.

It takes teamwork to pull off a production of this complexity. And our students do this on a consistent basis. Our program engages over 3,000 each season, all in the context of our creative scholarship--students, faculty and staff working together. We'll have more photos shortly.


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