Monday, November 12, 2007

The Tale of Hammy the Pig

Well guys, sad news. The show is over.

That, of course, explains why I am sitting in my bedroom at 7:00 on a Monday night. It has been a very long time since I have had a rehearsal-free Monday night. I'm not really sure what to do with myself!

The Taming of the Shrew closed last night. If you got to come and see it, then thanks! We had fantastic audiences each night. If you didn't come see it, we forgive you. But you better come next time! : )

It was a long journey to the end. My humble little dorm suite houses 4 members of the Taming company, and believe me, we definitely bonded quite a bit throughout the process! For the show, my roommates Lucy(who played Baptista's servant Violet), Ginny(who played Biondello as a girl named Biondella), Skyler(who was the incredible head of the props crew), and I (Bianca) definitely shared some stressful moments and sleepless nights while we prepared for the show, but we also had some fun along the way. One of Skyler's biggest props projects was creating a roasted pig on a stick for a scene at Petruchio's house. One day, I came home after rehearsal and found a hideous rubber pig about the size of a cat sitting on top of my desk. After I gasped and jumped, I burst into Sky's room to ask if she knew where it had come from. As I waited for her to finally stop laughing, I realized that it was a rejected prop. I thought, "Ok, two can play this game!" As soon as Skyler left for a few minutes, I shoved the pig into her bathroom drawer. She didn't discover it until a few days later, and we got another laugh.
For a few weeks, the four of us randomly hid the pig in each other's rooms. I once woke up to find it staring at me on my pillow! We have now affectionately christened the pig "Hammy," and he occupies a prominent position on top of the TV in our common room. Who knows day he might just show up on Lucy's bookshelf or in Ginny's closet! Beware!

Oh, and in order to see the real pig prop that Skyler and her crew created, you should watch the video excerpt of the show!

Meanwhile, we'll move on to rehearsing for the student-directed one-acts, to be performed on December 4th and 5th. Then, we can take a little break before our January performances of Our Town and Marry Me a Little!


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